Self-Care Activities (Valentine’s Day or any day of the year!)

female in bath with flowers in a self-care moment

Valentine’s day is traditionally a day of romance, but what about using it as a day for some self-care! You don’t have to celebrate valentines day to know that you deserve to show yourself love. We often forget about creating some self-care time, even though it is a very important part of our health. When we neglect to take some time to nurture ourselves, our mental, physical, and spiritual health can decline. Self – care in small doses every day helps prevent the big burnout. It doesn’t solve the bigger underlying issues, but can help make a difference. The process helps make you feel better and create a healthier atmosphere. Self – care is different for everyone, but pampering is just as important as diet and physical health!

There are many positive benefits to making time for self-care activities. It gives you a break from stress and promotes calming positive feelings. The relaxation you get from self-care can trigger the relaxation response. The relaxation response can help prevent chronic stress from damaging your health. It also helps maintain positive feelings, boosts your confidence and self-esteem. We are also more able to handle life’s stress when we are feeling our best both physically and emotionally. This helps encourage a healthy balanced relationship with yourself and others.

Self – care is an activity you deliberately do to take care of yourself. It helps to recharge your energy and mind to help focus on other parts of your life. It also allows us the time to examine destructive behaviors and change them for the better. You can’t move forward or make progress without taking care of yourself. When we are stressed or overwhelmed, we often forget about our own needs. It is important to take care of yourself the way you take care of others. Self – care is necessary to remind yourself and others that you and your needs are important too. It is also about just letting yourself have permission to enjoy the present moment without guilt!

You can try some or all of the suggestions below to plan a pampering and relaxing self care day!

Self-Care Activities

  1. Where possible, schedule in a time block. No work, house chores, or pending tasks.
  2. Take a bath with salts or a bath bomb.
  3. No bath? (Me too :p) Try a shower bomb or a salt body scrub.
  4. Moisturize skin with favorite lotions, creams, and oils.
  5. Try a face mask or sheet mask. I prefer sheet masks as they feel cooling on the skin!
  6. DIY pedicure or manicure.
  7. Mediate or take a nap.
  8. Try a bit of activity. Stretch, yoga, or go for a short walk.
  9. Eat some dark chocolate, it’s good for you 😉
  10. Make a feel good drink to unwind. Drink some calming tea or any tea that makes you feel good. Make a smoothie or enjoy a glass of some wine.
  11. Watch a movie, listen to music or an audiobook.
  12. Bake
  13. Read, draw, color, craft. Distract your mind in hobbies you enjoy!
  14. Take yourself out on a date.
  15. Write yourself a love note.
  16. Buy yourself some flowers or start a mini garden!

Valentine’s day isn’t the only day to incorporate self-care, any day can work. Make a plan to prioritize this as a regular occurrence throughout the year.

What are some self-care activities you do? Let me know below!

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