January Wolf Moon: How to Use the Moon’s Energy

Wolf Moon

The new year is here! To get a better understanding of the energy this month, lets look at the full moon. The January full moon is called the wolf moon. Other names include the Old Moon, Ice Moon, Cold Moon, Quiet Moon, or the Moon After Yule. The wolf moon name comes from the Native American custom of naming the Full Moons. The stories about the wolf in the winter season influenced the naming of the January moon.

The wolf moon is a time when winter starts transitions to the next season. Light peaks through the cold winter darkness. The days become longer and creatures start to wake from their slumbers. The wolves began to wake up from their hibernation and search for food in the cold, dark winter season. Food is still scarce, and it is said that during this time a pack of hunger wolves would wait outside of Native American tribes. As the cold darkness of winter remains, and the days become longer, we too can awaken from our slumbers. The holidays take up so much of our energy and time, some might feel low energy, sluggish or burnt out. Just as food is scarce for the wolves, so is our energy. If you feel this way, know that it is part of the natural flow of the season. Whether we feel burnt out, this is a great time to relax and just chill! It is important to conserve our energy so that we can work on ourselves before the season picks up.

In January, it is also a time for shedding the old and embracing new beginnings. We can use this time to self reflect on the past year and make preparations for the upcoming year. Now is not the time for action just yet, but introspection, rest and brainstorming. It is also a good time to work on personal problems and hash things out with ourselves before we face the year head on. We can tap into the qualities of the wolf and use its strength, cunning and intelligence to help control the direction we want to take. Don’t worry about what others might think.The wolf also reminds us to trust our instincts and use your inner wisdom, strength, and endurance. When we take the time to rest and reflect, we can use the wolf moon energy to help guide us throughout the month.

January Wolf Moon in Leo

As the first full moon of the new year graces the sky, the Leo Full Moon in January promises a spectacle of regality and confidence. Leo, a fire sign ruled by the Sun, embodies the spirit of courage, confidence, creativity, and a flair for the dramatic. This Full Moon heralds an energetic beginning, infusing the start of the year with a burst of self-expression, passion, and the unmistakable charisma associated with the lion-hearted Leo.

Unleashing the Inner Lion: Bold Self-Expression

Under the radiant influence of the Leo Full Moon, the energies encourage us to unleash our inner lions with unbridled enthusiasm. This is a time to step into the spotlight, unapologetically celebrating our unique talents and passions. The lion, as the symbol of Leo, roars with self-expression and creativity. It beckons us to embrace the courage needed to shine, to step forward with confidence, and to showcase the vibrancy of our authentic selves. The Leo Full Moon is a celestial affirmation that our individuality is not only welcomed but celebrated in the grand cosmic theater.

Igniting the Creative Spark: Passionate Pursuits

The fiery spirit of Leo is a beacon for passion and creativity, and this Full Moon serves as a catalyst for igniting the creative spark within. It’s a call to pursue our artistic ambitions, innovative projects, and anything that fuels the flames of our passion. This lunar phase encourages us to infuse our lives with the vibrancy of creative expression. Whether it’s through the arts, personal projects, or any avenue where our imagination takes flight, the Leo Full Moon invites us to approach life with a bold and enthusiastic spirit, allowing our creative endeavors to illuminate the path ahead.

Confidence and Generosity: Leading with Radiance

Leo is not only a sign of confidence but also one of generosity and warmth. The Full Moon in Leo reminds us that true leadership involves not just shining brightly but also lifting others up. As we bask in the regal glow of this lunar event, it’s  time to balance our self-assuredness with acts of kindness and collaborative efforts. The spotlight isn’t only for personal acclaim; it’s an opportunity to share our light, inspire others, and collectively contribute to the radiance of the cosmos. The Leo Full Moon for January 2024 encourages us to step into our power, lead with confidence, and illuminate the world with the majestic brilliance of our inner sun.

The Leo Full Moon for January 2024 is an invitation to let our inner light shine. It encourages us to embrace our passions, exude confidence, and lead with generosity. As we bask in the radiant energy of Leo, we’re reminded that the start of the year is an opportunity to step into our power, pursue our dreams, and, like the lion, navigate the world with courage, strength, and a majestic roar.

 January Wolf Moon Activities

  • Cleanse crystals and your favorite items to start the year with a clean slate. 
  • Express your love and gratitude for others. 
  • This month, the skies are the darkest and clearest, so this is the perfect time to go moon gazing.
  • Journal, meditate, read or anything that helps clear your mind.
  • Use this time to self-reflect, create intentions and start making plans.
  • When you feel like your energy is picking up, set time to plan out your goals for the year.

Crystal: Smoky Quartz

Cleanses, grounds, protects, promotes strength, increases focus and activates our instincts. Helps with manifesting ideas and dreams, inner wisdom, and helps us create opportunities. Wear this crystal for protection and strength, or spend some quiet time with it to help clear and open your mind.

A new cycle resets where we clear ourselves and prepare for the new year. After the buzz of the holidays, our energy levels feel low and now is the time to reflect and rest in the cold darkness. Let’s use the energy of this month to remind us it is a time for rest to help us prepare for the rest of the year.

What are some other activities you do in January? Let me know below! ♥ ♥ ♥

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6 thoughts on “January Wolf Moon: How to Use the Moon’s Energy

  1. Awesome website but question do I do a moon bath tonight and what the #### do I do tonight I’m new to it kinda and I have made many crystals and smoky quarts and white and orange selenite

    1. Taking a bath tonight is a great way to tune in with the moon’s energy! The moon is connected to water, so taking a bath will help you connect to the energy of the moon. The moon’s energy is still effective the next two days so you don’t have to necessarily do it tonight but today would be the highest full moon energy. Taking a bath and placing your crystals nearby and then close to the light of the moon is a great way to start. Do what calls to you as there are no wrong ways to connect to he moon!

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