June Strawberry Moon: Enjoy the Sweetness of the Full Moon

June Full Moon with strawberries under a blue red sky.

Spring is in full bloom, fruit is ripe and summer days approach. The days are filled with hot temperatures and cool refreshments to quench our thirst. In June we are seeing spring transform into summer, and with this shift there is also a shift in energy. June’s energy will reach its highest points during the full moon and summer solstice. The full moon provides a lot of energy, but with the summer solstice this month that energy is amplified. This energy will come in enormous waves throughout the month as we approach these prime energy points. The high energy that is flowing throughout the month provides opportunities to push onward and harder in our endeavors. As spring swings into full bloom, and summer begins, there is a surge of adventure, optimism and confidence in ourselves that will make waves this season.

We know the June Full Moon as the Strawberry Full Moon in North America. The Full Moon name in June comes from Native American tribes and their harvest of strawberries. In June strawberries reach their peak in ripeness. The June full moon would then signal that it was time to pick and harvest these fruits. Strawberries aren’t native in other countries, so unique names for this moon exist. Names for this moon include the Honey Moon, Mead Moon, Rose Moon and Hot Moon. The Honey Moon in June has ties with the Roman Goddess Juno. Juno is the goddess of marriage and it was a common time for marriages in June. And what happens after a marriage celebration? The Honeymoon of course! In European areas, the Moon is also known by other names. The Mead Moon marks the time when to cut meadows. The Rose Moon signifies that rose blooms have reached their peak. It is also known as the Hot Moon for the hot summer days ahead. This month flowers, fruits and plants are reaching their peaks and are ready to share in its abundance with all.

During this month there is also a greater awareness about connections being made. The connection to our surroundings and the universal flow. It is a great time for self-reflection to gain new insights with your current situation. Trust your gut instincts. During tough times, know that we have the strength and knowledge to make the best decisions for ourselves. We also feel more connected with others. Thus it is a great time for collaboration, evaluating friendships and exploring relationships. Be open to the adventures and connections with people that come forward. Seeking help and support from others could be the solution you are looking for.

After the rebirth of spring, the season begins to mature into summer. As the season matures to summer, it is a time to celebrate the abundance and growth that surrounds us. In June the energy heightens and the season is coming into fruition. We feel confident in our actions and feel more motivated to push onwards with the work that needs to be done. We have an urge to tackle as much as possible in a short time. Be careful and check in with yourself to make sure you are not doing too much! This high motivation and optimism might lead us to overwork. Take a few moments to pause and reflect. The work from the last few months is showing progress, and it has accumulated with the growth of the season. As the strawberries ripen and roses are in full bloom, we can take the time to enjoy the beauty of the season and the fruits of our labor.

Summer is around the corner, and the June Strawberry Moon reminds us it is a time to enjoy the progress, passion and sweetness of the season.

June Full Moon in Sagittarius

When the moon is in Sagittarius, we often feel more impulsive, adventurous, and rebellious.. We want to break boundaries and expand our horizons. Sagittarius is the ultimate explorer and seeks freedom from where one feels trapped. The mundane seems boring to us and we crave trying something new or out of our comfort zone. We are also on the hunt for something new and exciting that will give meaning to our life. With Sagittarius energy, the possibilities are endless. We might feel very creative and restless. This will cause us to want to go on some type of adventure, travel and get our body movin’ and groovin. Although the urge to jump into something new is calling to us, we also want to make sure we aren’t jumping into something too risky without thinking about it first. Being reckless serves no one and can hurt others. We want to keep our sense of adventure balanced with experiences that will give meaning and purpose to our lives. 

Sagittarius energy is positive, optimistic and urges us to embrace new ideas and information. The energy of Sagittarius gives us an optimistic approach to life, despite any hurdles we face. It helps us see that the hard things in life are here to help provide opportunities later. This energy encourages us to expand our mind and reach for new experiences, as Sagittarius is always on a quest for truth. It wants us to stop procrastinating and avoiding the experiences that allow us to grow. Setting a goal to work towards will help us feel safe and productive if we are procrastinating out of fear. Learning about new subjects and learning new skills also aligns with Sagittarius as it expands our minds and experiences. As a result, his moon is a good time for studying, reading, teaching and publishing, as the thirst for knowledge is strong. 

Sagittarius is also about remembering to reach out and connect with others. Right now, communicating with others might feel daunting, but there are other ways to do so. We can learn about another perspective or culture to help build bridges with others. We can also communicate with others when we put our work out there. Our experiences in life are valuable to others, as we each have a unique perspective that offers insight and wisdom. 

The energy of this moon will feel explosive as unexpected situations may come our way and force us to change. With Sagittarius energy, these changes are for the long-term and will help guide us. We will also feel fueled with passion and want to defend our beliefs as it relates to others. The Sagittarius moon will feel powerful and help us shift our trajectory and purpose in meaningful ways.

June Strawberry Moon Activities

  • Use your extra energy and optimism. Channel it towards hobbies, passions or causes that inspire you.
  • Ask yourself questions about your goals and career and reflect on the direction you are heading. “Where am I heading?” and “What needs to be done to get there?”
  • Meditate to help calm the wave of emotions and energy that may surface.
  • Try some yoga to help stay balanced.
  • Pause extra workload and take more time to enjoy the beginning of summer.
  • Celebrate the Summer Solstice as it is the longest day of the year.
  • Enjoy a bowl of fresh juicy strawberries! Now is the time when they are in season!
  • Pump up your music and dance under the Moon.

Crystal: Honey Calcite

Honey calcite increases self worth, confidence, action, and clarity. It also is a stone that encourages optimism and positive relationships. This stone strengthens our spirit and helps with overcoming obstacles. This is a great multi purpose stone to keep in your home or office to help balance and detox the space.

What are some other activities you do in June? Let me know below! ♥ ♥ ♥

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