AUGUST STURGEON MOON: The Moon for New Paths

In August, the summer days are winding down. We still feel the hot summer days, but the summer haze is fading away and the cool nights are coming forth. The days are slow in pace. This is the beginning of the hustle and bustle as we prepare for the next season. We are in the midst of the year, yet we still feel the surge of summer still fleshing through our veins. We are preparing for the changes that are ahead this month, and the energy from summer is calming down.

The August Full Moon is a unique time of the year that is reflected in its name and history. In late summer, the August Full Moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon. The name for this moon, like other moons, relates to a creature prominent in this month. The sturgeon is a giant prehistoric freshwater fish that once lived in great numbers in North America’s lakes and rivers. This fish was an important part of the ecosystem and provided food and resources for Native Americans. Their numbers have dwindled and the sturgeon fish are rarely seen. The August moon name is a testimony to the importance of this fish to Native Americans.

The August full moon is also known as the “Full Green Corn,” “Wheat Cut Moon,” “Grain Moon,” “Barley Moon,” “Fruit Moon,” and “Moon When All Things Ripen.” In August, this is the beginning of harvest season and many vegetables and fruits are ready. These moon names relate to the summer transition into fall. This month represents the beginning of change, growth and abundance.

The August Sturgeon Moon is the beginning of the transition point between summer and fall. We are in the midst of the first harvests, and it also reflects this in our day-to-day lives. There are many aspects of our lives that have reached its peak and now we are ready to reap the benefits. All our hard work this year is paying off and we can see the joy and abundance that it has produced.

With the energy and resources we have produced, this is a period where our inner growth and strength can help us with issues we are facing. We may feel emotional and fearful about change. Take some quiet time, look within, and dive deep into what is important. Once we have a clear perspective, this will help us forge fresh paths if needed. Release any worries, doubts and stress. This will help clear and renew the mind and body to help with manifestation and making your goals a reality. The energy this month encourages you to follow your passions and make long-term goals a reality. Look outside the box to solve issues. Embrace change and the abundance that already exists in your life. It is still summer, so we feel the passion and heat of summer. We can also feel the energy starting to wind down as we head into September.

In August, let’s go with the flow like the sturgeon fish making new paths down the river. As we go deep into the depths of ourselves, let us resurface into cooler, calmer waters. When we transition from the heat of summer into cooler weather, let us embrace that life often takes us on unexpected paths. These unexpected paths help us grow with love, purpose, and abundance.

Full Moon in Aquarius

During the Sturgeon Moon in August, the full moon will be in the sign of Aquarius. August 2023 will be a truly remarkable month astrologically, as it presents the rare occurrence of two full moons in Aquarius. This celestial phenomenon intensifies the energy of this visionary and forward-thinking sign, amplifying its influence on our lives.

The first full moon in Aquarius early in the month sets the stage for a period of self-reflection and introspection, encouraging us to explore our individuality and embrace our unique perspectives. It invites us to break free from societal constraints and pursue our authentic passions. The second full moon in Aquarius towards the end of August brings a surge of collective energy, emphasizing the power of unity and collaboration. It inspires us to come together as a community, pooling our ideas and resources to effect positive change in the world. These full moons present an extraordinary opportunity for personal growth, collective progress, and the manifestation of groundbreaking ideas that can shape the future.

Aquarius’ energy is all about friendships, community, independence, and communication. The energy of Aquarius helps us develop unique perspectives that are useful throughout the month. Aquarius’ energy can make us a little rebellious and we might find it hard to stay focused. It will be helpful to be mindful of this when we hit roadblocks or feel the urge to run away from our problems. We also might want to socialize a bit more as we feel summer ending. All this energy leads into the accumulation of a Full Moon that provides us with a second chance.

This full moon in Aquarius also is an opportunity to complete things that were left behind last month. There might be events or circumstances that unfold in August that finally drive us into action. This Aquarius moon in August will help awaken our passion and drive. As a humanitarian sign, this passion and drive might relate to helping others. This moon will also bring good fortune and success. As a result, Aquarius will help us awaken into positive action. 

It could also relate to getting rid of negative emotions and habits so that we can grow spiritually or financially. If we can’t help ourselves out of a rut, how can we help others? Reflecting on what is important to us will help open new options. This Aquarius moon in August serves as a reminder that it is never too late to spring into action.

In August we can expect big changes, while savoring the last weeks of summer with friends and loved ones. Although it feels like there is so much to do, we also want to take breaks and unwind with others. Aquarius’ energy is fun loving and carefree but knows when to get down and dirty when called upon if it is for the good of others. This full moon highlights second chances are possible even if we feel like it is too late. The energy from this vibrant sign will help us close out the summer season as we head into fall.

August Sturgeon Moon Activities

  • Eat foods in season during this first harvest. This gives you the opportunity to align with the energy of the seasonal cycle.
  • Take some quiet time throughout the month to release worry, doubt, and stress.
  • Enjoy a bath infused with relaxing herbs.
  • Create action steps toward long-term goals.
  • Safe socializing with loved ones.

Crystal: Carnelian

Carnelian is a balancing stone that helps with both work and relaxation. Helps provide energy, drive and ambition. It is a warm and passionate stone that helps support creativity. Helps with releasing fears and overcoming difficulties with courage and self-confidence. This crystal helps you feel inspired and motivated in finding your personal power. Attracts prosperity, resources and luck. Keep this stone at your work desk to help you feel inspired and confident in your daily endeavors.

What are some other activities you do in June? Let me know below! ♥ ♥ ♥

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